Emptynest Sightseers (k4♥wea}: Coloured reflections
Emptynest Sightseers (k4♥wea}: “The only reason for making a buzzing-noise that I know of is because you're a bee. .... And the only reason for being a bee that I know of is making honey..... And the only reason for making honey is so as I can eat it.” - Winnie the Pooh
Emptynest Sightseers (k4♥wea}: Splashing the daisies
Emptynest Sightseers (k4♥wea}: In search of Bluebells
Emptynest Sightseers (k4♥wea}: Inverted Dandelion clock
Emptynest Sightseers (k4♥wea}: Day 365/365 - The end or the beginning?
Emptynest Sightseers (k4♥wea}: Day 364/365 - Splish, splash, splosh
Emptynest Sightseers (k4♥wea}: Day 363/365 - Tooth-brushing fun
Emptynest Sightseers (k4♥wea}: Day 362/365 - The one with a hole!
Emptynest Sightseers (k4♥wea}: Message in a bottle
Emptynest Sightseers (k4♥wea}: Day 361/365 - Getting hot!
Emptynest Sightseers (k4♥wea}: Day 360/365 - Starting again