Emptynest Sightseers (k4♥wea}: Day 285/365 - Splash down
Emptynest Sightseers (k4♥wea}: Day 313/365 - Spring splash
Emptynest Sightseers (k4♥wea}: Blackcurrant splash
Emptynest Sightseers (k4♥wea}: Day 327/365 - I love mornings, I just wish they came later in the day!
Emptynest Sightseers (k4♥wea}: Day 337/365 - Making a Splash
Emptynest Sightseers (k4♥wea}: Day 364/365 - Splish, splash, splosh
Emptynest Sightseers (k4♥wea}: Splashing the daisies