dottdotter: designer fund comic concept
dottdotter: finished my tales from lost weekend comic project :)
dottdotter: one panel every day.
dottdotter: toast stories, page 4
dottdotter: Sketching Lean UX class outline
dottdotter: sketch lesson artifacts
dottdotter: socialize your design
dottdotter: everything is visible
dottdotter: paper prototyping
dottdotter: cardboard click
dottdotter: jason hreha at #sxsw
dottdotter: lost weekend snake story
dottdotter: un petit planète
dottdotter: I come here to focus.
dottdotter: food <3 startups illustration
dottdotter: food <3 startups illustration: sketches
dottdotter: Motivation Monster says, "Practice awesomeness!"
dottdotter: if you find this toast, it's yours
dottdotter: Hi, I'm Enrique
dottdotter: What do these companies have in common?
dottdotter: sketching the designer fund
dottdotter: dara o'rourke, good guide
dottdotter: yves behar, fuse project
dottdotter: janine james, the moderns
dottdotter: Nathan Waterhouse, OpenIDEO
dottdotter: sketch notes, compost modern 2011
dottdotter: sketch notes, compost modern 2011
dottdotter: 500 awesome people