dottdotter: dot records
dottdotter: retro radio
dottdotter: hi how are you
dottdotter: hi how are you, daniel johnston
dottdotter: I work with people who think it is ok to export MS Word Documents as HTML.
dottdotter: I don't always care about accessability
dottdotter: web standards confessions
dottdotter: coworking for independents
dottdotter: cameron shaw led a group about page views
dottdotter: Mom 2.0 conversation
dottdotter: the design eye for south'by panel
dottdotter: sxswi lifestream
dottdotter: design eye, sxswi map page
dottdotter: sxswi dashboard view
dottdotter: sxswi concept 'you view
dottdotter: reveal
dottdotter: real-life interaction
dottdotter: so you have all these places you document sxsw, why not have them all go to this page?
dottdotter: portable
dottdotter: attendee's point of view
dottdotter: you're going to need a cruise director
dottdotter: how do you festival?
dottdotter: P.I.M.P.
dottdotter: Meeting People & Interacting face-to-face
dottdotter: Design Eye for South By
dottdotter: craigslist redesign
dottdotter: design eye for the list guy
dottdotter: design eye for the idea guy
dottdotter: redesign