kyoshiok: Dahlia
kyoshiok: Painted Tongue (Salpiglossis sinuata)
kyoshiok: Painted Tongue (Salpiglossis sinuata)
kyoshiok: Scabiosa atropurpurea
kyoshiok: White Veronica
kyoshiok: Geranium
kyoshiok: Salvia 'hot lips'
kyoshiok: Rudbeckia
kyoshiok: House and Deck
kyoshiok: Nice garden!
kyoshiok: Partly rock garden
kyoshiok: The view of Lake Washington from the house
kyoshiok: Two chairs in a garden
kyoshiok: Calibrachoa
kyoshiok: Bumblebee and Veronica
kyoshiok: Dahlia
kyoshiok: Painted Tongue(Purple and yellow) and Zinnia(orange)
kyoshiok: Valerian
kyoshiok: Coreopsis 'Ruby Frost'
kyoshiok: Purple Coneflower (Echinacea purpurea)
kyoshiok: Knautia 'Thunder & Lightning'
kyoshiok: Monkshood 'bicolar'
kyoshiok: Fuchsia magellanica
kyoshiok: Nicotiana
kyoshiok: Geranium
kyoshiok: Lobelia cardinalis
kyoshiok: Cute stone statue and tiny yellow flowers
kyoshiok: Geranium etc. pot
kyoshiok: Three flower pots
kyoshiok: Flower pots on a deck