K2sleddogs: Sandhill Cranes migrating south
K2sleddogs: Sandhill Cranes migrating south
K2sleddogs: Birds of a feather
K2sleddogs: Canada geese
K2sleddogs: Canada geese
K2sleddogs: Handsome Boy
K2sleddogs: Mourning Dove
K2sleddogs: Sparrows need love too.
K2sleddogs: Birdy in color
K2sleddogs: Busy little fella
K2sleddogs: I gots an itch
K2sleddogs: Maybe if I sit still she won't notice me
K2sleddogs: Two in the bush
K2sleddogs: Birdy!
K2sleddogs: Furball in a tree
K2sleddogs: Birdie!
K2sleddogs: Nellie
K2sleddogs: Just hanging out
K2sleddogs: You do not see me
K2sleddogs: Nellie
K2sleddogs: Female Downy Woodpecker
K2sleddogs: Pretty Baby
K2sleddogs: White Crowned Sparrow
K2sleddogs: White Crowned Sparrow
K2sleddogs: Nellie had babies!!!!!
K2sleddogs: Nellie had babies!!!!!
K2sleddogs: Nellie had babies!!!!!
K2sleddogs: Nellie had babies!!!!!
K2sleddogs: Bird Bomb
K2sleddogs: Winter fluff