k2powderhound: campfire
k2powderhound: also brought to you by...
k2powderhound: looks like a zodiac symbol
k2powderhound: downward spiral
k2powderhound: brought to you by...
k2powderhound: fire loops
k2powderhound: imperfect circle
k2powderhound: the Firewalker
k2powderhound: rise from the ashes
k2powderhound: world's most dangerous yo-yo
k2powderhound: twisted slinky
k2powderhound: fire all around
k2powderhound: upward spiral
k2powderhound: this thing was really moving!
k2powderhound: world's most dangerous frizbee
k2powderhound: anarchy?
k2powderhound: Celtic knot
k2powderhound: close to a perfect cirlce