k0re: Crazy little hipster boutique hotel in Cebu reminds me of ace
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k0re: Flower mandalas are a thing in the Philippines
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k0re: Whale shark checking out the false advertising on this banca - there's no free wifi there!
k0re: I totally missed the money shot where this shark was swimming toward jeff with its mouth open as he's swimming fast back to the boat
k0re: They're cute like puppies swimming with their mouths open with their heads above water
k0re: There are 7 guys riding this tricycle each carrying a chicken. Probably on their way to a cockfight
k0re: Catholicism on the beach probably near where Magellan landed?
k0re: Church built in the 1600s was also used as barracks during WW2
k0re: Ruins from the 1600s
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k0re: Hand painted ceiling in a 1600s church. Remains of lapu lapu who killed Magellan is here
k0re: Wonder how many western history books show pix of Magellan getting killed by lapu lapu
k0re: Pre-colonial Philippine king: damn here come the spaniards - have these tattoos been co-opted yet? Don't see too many in sf yet
k0re: Lapu lapu
k0re: But the Catholicism wins and the queen puts aside her idols and prays to santo niño (who I'm not sure if you really trace the roots is baby Jesus) catholic was an embrace and extend religion
k0re: Old fortress
k0re: 1700s cannon on fortress roof
k0re: Each candle represents a prayer and people line up
k0re: Kinda like slot machines this woman has a barrel full of candles. She must have a lot to pray about. She shushed her kid so she could pray and the kid starts crying.
k0re: Ruins surprisingly graffiti free
k0re: Candles dripping out the back
k0re: This was disgusting. People picking lice off each other like monkeys under a statue
k0re: This is magellans original cross he stuck on to that very spot claiming the Philippines for Spain.
k0re: Checking out this Mexican place called maya - pretty good but still doesn't beat a mission burrito! We were trying to figure out what makes a mission burrito the best