k0re: Another beach trip! Coron this time @winkingeye behind me so we both get window seats
k0re: This isn't a dried up dead tree it's a tree of fruit bats blowing in the wind
k0re: Landed - immediately handed a cucumber calamansi drink and sung a welcome song
k0re: Coron!
k0re: Mothership deposited us on the island
k0re: Bats flying all around
k0re: This is isla walang langaw - not in the shot are 2 other islands Isla walang Tao and some other one that starts with a D. Im telling the guide oh so one island has no flies, the other one has no people and the third one has flies and people? The guide a
k0re: It's totally protected now but there are some turtle eggs hatching nearby. They cover it up because of predators. Island has monitor lizards, bats, birds etc. they hatch on the next full moon
k0re: Ingressing all of a sudden the road ends and I look up and duh it's water! Mangrove area before reaching the island
k0re: Outside the cottage
k0re: Chillin
k0re: Shells on a stump. You're not allowed to remove shells from the island
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k0re: Front porch
k0re: The attack of the fruit bats
k0re: Bat signal
k0re: Beach bat Babylon
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k0re: Outdoor massage
k0re: Sunset
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k0re: Sunset
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k0re: They give you peanuts with garlic at the bar probably the ward of the vampires? And right on queue I can hear the bats screeching :)
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k0re: End of sunset
k0re: Aww the hotel makes a little animal on your bed :)
k0re: Giant monitor lizard slithering by in the midst of sleeping sunbathing tourists
k0re: Not tame
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