k0re: Black velvet Godzilla
k0re: Black velvet challenger explosion
k0re: upload
k0re: upload
k0re: upload
k0re: upload
k0re: Life imitates art - kal taking things literally
k0re: Rudy the elder, kal, john law
k0re: Paul mavrides and his painting of the challenger explosion posing for Rudy Rucker :)
k0re: Detail - was this off of the zapruder footage? Never seen either
k0re: Paul Mavrides black velvet painting - a bunch of us are around this one talking about Kennedy assassination. I never knew his whole head exploded!
k0re: Paul mavrides painting
k0re: upload
k0re: Cool father son bonding :) @johnwilliamlaw
k0re: Rudy the elder - was actually sitting on the couch this afternoon wondering what the next psychedelic revolution would be like and that's exactly what his new book is about!
k0re: Explaining the 3 bullet theory