k0re: Sold out event! Cacophony society book launch: creating culture from mayhem with chuck palahniuk, John law, brad wiener
k0re: Yarn bombed doggie diner heads
k0re: Friendly human and robot bartenders
k0re: My kind of book launch -within minutes got electrocuted by kal's bot and burned my hand asking for a double shot out of Simone's barbot :)
k0re: With @misanthropic_socialite at the Castro for an eve of cacophony -look @polymorf :)
k0re: Christina and Sebastian - watching his dad @johnwilliamlaw :)
k0re: The sisters of perpetual indulgence give the book blessing incantation
k0re: Brad wieners (editor of bloomberg) introduces sf cacophony members @johnwilliamlaw, Cary g, and fight club author chuck palahniuk
k0re: Cacophony PDX Chuck palahniuk answers the question did the success of fight club dilute the message - the movie was like cacophony on a really grand scale
k0re: 12th step to being a cacophonist by Stuart mangrum
k0re: The cacophony after party with you know who has this on the roof. Pooping out the moon. The irony (y'all know what I mean :) )
k0re: Kimric and autumn
k0re: Rudy monkeybrains is a utility - that's what you want on the monopoly board
k0re: Flower child kal - you can't see it but he had flowers in his hair (as we remember this guy bob who used to burn his pubes at parties and had a really bad tattoo)
k0re: Cyclecide jarico
k0re: @mikl_em and R (who doesn't take credit for anything but if you look closely there are clues to what he instigated).
k0re: First they start planning how they'll write jim mason's book - 5 min later it devolved to writing each other's okcupid profiles
k0re: Danielle and @mikl_em
k0re: Barbots
k0re: Look who's back! @scottbeale with @telstarlogistics and @ekai
k0re: upload
k0re: upload
k0re: Flaming drink by @missysb that caught my Hand on fire for like 2 seconds - wish there was a picture of that :)
k0re: Busted! Inforum photog snapped me getting snuck in FIRST to get books signed -including Katy bell's
k0re: 12 steps for cacophonists: 1 - make the city your playground
k0re: 12 steps for cacophonists: 2 - take a zone trip ( kicking myself for missing this one - fireworks fest at Tultepec on jarico's bus)
k0re: 12 steps for cacophonists: 3-make odd friends CHECK
k0re: 12 steps for cacophonists: 4-cacophonize yr closet (this I don't rly do)
k0re: 12 steps for cacophonists: 5-make something
k0re: 12 steps for cacophonists: 6-burn sonething (no problemo)