k0re: They have one of these driftwood horses - the artist has an amazing website showing these out in nature. Deborah butterfield I think is her name
k0re: Look @guyoverfelt what kind of car was this? :) #artmrkt
k0re: Credit trap by Jeremiah Jenkins #artmrkt
k0re: Pretty clever: paint dripping on acrylic and put together in slices make cool humanoid figures
k0re: Andy Diaz hope's future trip - mirrors, 2-way mirrors, video inside
k0re: Scott hove's crazy cakes
k0re: A cake that comes with its own mouth #artmrkt
k0re: Scott hove's cake
k0re: Art from Michelle pred
k0re: It's raining scissors
k0re: #artmrkt
k0re: Backlit perforated aluminum
k0re: Andy Diaz hope #artmrkt
k0re: IMG_6027
k0re: IMG_6029
k0re: IMG_6030