k0re: Made it to #futureofmoney finally! Here's @zisk giving me the scoop :)
k0re: michael michael + dusty
k0re: Burning man reprezent! @dangerranger and dusty at #futureofmoney
k0re: Burning Man business attire sported by @danger_ranger #futureofmoney
k0re: burning business attire
k0re: surprise run in with john b!
k0re: m2
k0re: At #futureofmoney @heathervescent's panel on finance innovation - with bank/finance guys and @danger_ranger
k0re: IMG_4270
k0re: IMG_4271
k0re: heather's panel
k0re: lee asks a question
k0re: brian closes out the summit
k0re: Disrupting finance
k0re: With @anselm and @ekai at #futureofmoney
k0re: front row with anselm
k0re: front row with eddie