k0re: shaun
k0re: IMG_2677
k0re: vordo + tom
k0re: fall
k0re: fall
k0re: IMG_2695
k0re: Thanksgiving in Portland
k0re: Tom making a tent for my occu-pie
k0re: occu pie
k0re: Occu pie
k0re: IMG_2691
k0re: This gothic bridge looks like a church apparently people slam against the mountain at the other end a lot and die
k0re: Masha
k0re: Vordo and masha
k0re: Tom plays Jimi Hendrix unplugged
k0re: Jeff carves the turkey
k0re: Jeff carves the turkey
k0re: Jeff and Vordo
k0re: Camera Roll-114
k0re: occu-pie
k0re: tg
k0re: shaun + dana
k0re: Camera Roll-395
k0re: Dog cone of silence
k0re: With Tom in pdx
k0re: Breakfast in pdx waiting for the others to wake up
k0re: Under this sculpture on wheels I want to roll onto traffic
k0re: under movable sculpture
k0re: Skylight
k0re: Were lying under a skylight surrounded by art not buying anything on buy nothing day