k0re: heading toward ground zero of #general strike and #occupyoakland
k0re: oakland bound
k0re: IMG_1994
k0re: uber cab almost drove off with the blind juggler!
k0re: alex welcomes dorks to MADE
k0re: MADE - museum of art and digital entertainment
k0re: ben koo of bay area science fest
k0re: philipp and grilledcheezguy and the blind juggler
k0re: blind juggler
k0re: MADE
k0re: the MADE
k0re: IMG_2148
k0re: rrmutt
k0re: teaching the next generation pong :)
k0re: #dorkbotsf food prep with @grilledcheezguy and helper
k0re: Christopher Schardt, gxaoui, and @vonguard set up the arm from Pyro-go-round
k0re: @grilledcheezguy takes twitter orders and square payments
k0re: At #dorkbotsf @grilledcheezguy is square-enabled and you can tweet your orders
k0re: philipp
k0re: mc polymorf
k0re: lili and helene from swissnex
k0re: vonguard and polymorf
k0re: IMG_2164
k0re: MADE raffle of vintage video games
k0re: IMG_2168
k0re: jon foote
k0re: robotic desk lamps
k0re: IMG_2176
k0re: IMG_2177
k0re: IMG_2178