k0re: michael + judy
k0re: SRL corner
k0re: carbon + david
k0re: kal + jay
k0re: IMG_9107
k0re: duchampish machine
k0re: IMG_9122
k0re: joanne jonathan laura
k0re: IMG_9136
k0re: IMG_9139
k0re: IMG_9141
k0re: IMG_9155
k0re: IMG_9156
k0re: IMG_9159
k0re: breath controlled OR machine
k0re: IMG_9171
k0re: IMG_9182
k0re: whats seth up to?
k0re: kal + david
k0re: kal + david
k0re: Kal spelletich & David therrien
k0re: With Kal & David
k0re: Rubin and @ekai with jay's deer bike
k0re: Kal and @polymorf
k0re: SRL girl gang at the Kal palace
k0re: Jay at the Kal palace
k0re: Ubiquitous Seth malice fresh from the slacker premiere in Austin (he's in the movie) to the Kal (also in slackers) palace and on to the desert!
k0re: Jonathan and Kyle
k0re: Justin (therm) & Kyle (SRL) at the Kal palace