k0re: Setting up #dorkbotsf at the exploratorium
k0re: menu: grilled cheese, soup shots, orders taken via twitter
k0re: beverages for the grilled cheese
k0re: #dorkbotsf starts @rrmutt MCs
k0re: Snacks at #dorkbotsf courtesy of @grilledcheezguy
k0re: Me and @ekai front row at dorkbotsf
k0re: IMG_3252
k0re: palace of fine arts
k0re: RE/Search vale + marian
k0re: vale plays the piano during setup
k0re: graham + simon
k0re: IMG_3268
k0re: brian + judy
k0re: IMG_3270
k0re: bill setting up
k0re: assembling the rocket engine
k0re: north + nana
k0re: surprise run-in with michael from cyclone
k0re: grilled cheese, soup shots, beverages
k0re: grilledcheezguy
k0re: fatemeh + david
k0re: IMG_3282
k0re: bill meyer
k0re: IMG_3286
k0re: bill
k0re: bill meyer
k0re: eric socolofsky
k0re: eric socolofsky + north pitney
k0re: north pitney presents his snail tracker
k0re: snail tracker