k0re: Yes we are up to something :)
k0re: EFF at bamm.tv
k0re: crashfaster + rrmutt
k0re: dual core
k0re: John law at #EFF party. This used to be false profit. Had a dorkbot here ages ago!
k0re: john law + hugh
k0re: Were still up to something
k0re: Dual core
k0re: Discussing the state of industrial music with @danfuzz and @structurefall
k0re: chiptunes at the EFF party
k0re: crashfaster and docpop
k0re: Chiptunes! @docpop and @crashfaster
k0re: Hatching Sxsw schemes: @ekai and @zisk
k0re: fork and knife
k0re: crashfaster's awesome chiptune version of NIN's closer at the EFF party
k0re: dual core @ EFF party