k0re: mark rides jon's trilobyte
k0re: IMG_1065
k0re: IMG_1154
k0re: running machine with googly-eyed dead frog
k0re: long live pollozilla
k0re: joe + chicken head
k0re: joe + chicken head
k0re: joe and shannon put the head back on the chicken chassis
k0re: IMG_1169
k0re: whats left of pollozilla
k0re: kimric
k0re: IMG_1176
k0re: post-show carnage
k0re: shannon dancing on whats left of the chicken
k0re: wrapup interview with eddie
k0re: mark interview on ustream
k0re: eddie interviews mark
k0re: nina + eddie
k0re: chris
k0re: kyrsten + zolie and the dead frog
k0re: mark + carbon
k0re: mark + carbon
k0re: shannon + kathy
k0re: golden mean
k0re: jon in the golden mean snail
k0re: kathy + shannon
k0re: t.bias + eddie