k0re: obligatory starbucks
k0re: first you take a boat to the volcano
k0re: cely
k0re: nikki + marides
k0re: boat to the volcano
k0re: the lake is the crater of an extinct volcano
k0re: P1120073
k0re: calm lake to volcanos
k0re: my horse waiting to be mounted
k0re: green caldera within blue caldera
k0re: green lake within blue lake
k0re: sulphur
k0re: sulphur spewing out into the water
k0re: smoke in the hole
k0re: there's smoke coming out that hole
k0re: smoke in the hole
k0re: green caldera within blue caldera
k0re: wouldve been another 3 hours into the crater
k0re: you can see sulphur coming out in that swirl at the bottom
k0re: obligatory tourist shot @ taal volcano
k0re: fresh coconut juice at the crater
k0re: russian doll of craters
k0re: water-filled craters within craters
k0re: recursive calderas
k0re: narrow trail down the volcano
k0re: you can tell where a horse is looking based on its ears. this one seems to be saying WTF