k0re: no bomb jokes. i have actually been kicked off a plane with SRL in tokyo for doing just that
k0re: P1100582
k0re: P1100595
k0re: P1100599
k0re: P1100607
k0re: P1100621
k0re: sunset on the lizard catamaran
k0re: catamaran sunset
k0re: P1100627
k0re: P1100640
k0re: manny pacquiao's house
k0re: P1100665
k0re: sunset sail
k0re: sunset on the catamaran
k0re: sunset on the boat
k0re: seaweed head
k0re: seaweed head
k0re: full moon
k0re: waters calm the hell down when the sun goes down
k0re: sunset wedding on the beach
k0re: pool
k0re: hobbit house
k0re: P1100760
k0re: dinner on the beach
k0re: squid ink pasta + steak
k0re: dinner at aria
k0re: extreme sand castle building