k0re: P1050983
k0re: eb
k0re: doug + ralf discuss to surgery or not to surgery on a pneumatic chair
k0re: doug + ralf
k0re: doug on the pneumatic chair
k0re: cheese bikini
k0re: P1050996
k0re: scott, don paul, kimberly
k0re: eddie
k0re: kal + nick
k0re: with nick, eddie, scott
k0re: P1060006
k0re: P1060007
k0re: it walks, it grills, it spews fire!
k0re: kal operates the walking hot dog grilling flame throwing bot
k0re: big daddy
k0re: P1060021
k0re: walking hot dog grilling bot
k0re: judy + frank
k0re: eddie
k0re: P1060027
k0re: brians hard hat was from tokyo
k0re: flame throwing hot dog grilling walker
k0re: walking flame-throwing hot dog grilling robot
k0re: coming through
k0re: sort of has a big arm-ish gait wtih a fish-tailing platform you stand on
k0re: ralf rides around on a machine not yet named
k0re: P1060045
k0re: rock em sock em robots
k0re: jay + brian