k0re: chinese herbal stuff
k0re: mark + jake pauline
k0re: SRL 2.0: jake pauline
k0re: monochrom + scott beale + babalou
k0re: jake + johannes
k0re: simran + johannes testing
k0re: camera shy
k0re: jake + amy
k0re: mike + riko + pete
k0re: the lovely jennifer granick
k0re: ami sun + pierre
k0re: mark + vale + karen
k0re: marc + ami sun + trademark G
k0re: mark + amy
k0re: mark + amy + jake
k0re: john, greg, susan
k0re: greg leyh
k0re: SRL show
k0re: mark pauline
k0re: jake points out that daddy is on screen
k0re: peoplehater chip
k0re: chip flynn
k0re: P1030148
k0re: filmed by alberta chu
k0re: inside electrum - the faraday cage thing really works!
k0re: eric orr reads a book inside electrum
k0re: electrum being installed in NZ
k0re: electrum has 50 ft arcs. it is 50 feet away from the house
k0re: VRML! Interactive 3D model of greg's advanced lightning facility