k0re: electric sheep
k0re: jim campbell art
k0re: will linn + nigel helyer + oron catts
k0re: rxGallery monika + seemen kal spelletich
k0re: the bribe
k0re: high priest of the jake posse cult (also, eats brains)
k0re: some weird cult
k0re: jake's posse (ioerrorists)
k0re: mikey sklar on DIY RFID implants
k0re: 030
k0re: RFID injector
k0re: swiss chris + RFID injector
k0re: toplap.org
k0re: quoth - interactive fiction interface to music livecoding
k0re: 059
k0re: craig latta
k0re: jonathan's c02 launcher
k0re: 068
k0re: c02 confetti launch
k0re: c02
k0re: scrotum reader
k0re: jake and the scrotum reader @ roboxotica
k0re: david calkins mr. robolympics
k0re: fuze factory
k0re: disembodied cuisine
k0re: oron catts - symbiotica
k0re: stelarc's extra ear
k0re: wendy (swaporamarama.org)
k0re: spot draves
k0re: 114