jystewart: Marchers departing Hyde Park
jystewart: Not just Israeli leaders singled out
jystewart: Quakers In The Snow
jystewart: Israeli Voices for Peace
jystewart: A word on many lips
jystewart: Jews For Justice
jystewart: Praying in the Snow
jystewart: It was snowing as we stepped onto Bayswater Road
jystewart: Lots of children joined the march
jystewart: A particularly striking banner
jystewart: Handicrafts for Justice
jystewart: Protest on Facebook
jystewart: Police guard one access way to the Israeli Embassy
jystewart: Palestinian Scarves on display
jystewart: Female Marchers
jystewart: Another access way to the Israeli Embassy
jystewart: Observers in the Whole Foods Café
jystewart: Police outside the Israeli Embassy
jystewart: Police guarding the Israeli Embassy
jystewart: Down towards the Embassy
jystewart: Pressing towards the Embassy
jystewart: Surveillance
jystewart: Cameras (?) Outside the Embassy
jystewart: Burning Placards
jystewart: Photographing Fire
jystewart: Lauren Booth addresses the crowd