jystewart: Remains of a 7-headed Naga statue at Preah Khan
jystewart: Scenes from The Churning of the Ocean of Milk (at Preah Khan)
jystewart: Scenes from The Churning of the Ocean of Milk (at Preah Khan)
jystewart: Entering Preah Khan
jystewart: East Gopura at Preah Khan
jystewart: Lion headed guardian of Preah Khan
jystewart: Looking up the Gopura
jystewart: Useful, if non-specific advice
jystewart: Many of the trees around Angkor were labelled
jystewart: A serious column of ants
jystewart: T-shirts compulsory
jystewart: Guardian statue at Preah Khan
jystewart: Kari wants to be a guard of Preah Khan
jystewart: An interesting way of supporting rocks...
jystewart: Many of the walls seemed precariously balanced
jystewart: It started raining while we were at Preah Khan
jystewart: Kari shelters from the rain
jystewart: A wet courtyard at Preah Khan
jystewart: Delicately poised archways
jystewart: Did this once house a statue?
jystewart: Engravings at Preah Khan
jystewart: Preah Khan is full of long passageways
jystewart: Still in use for the odd ritual
jystewart: Statuary of Preah Khan
jystewart: A silk tree long ago took over the wall
jystewart: More statuary of Preah Khan
jystewart: Looking through the doorways of Preah Khan
jystewart: A narrow gap between successive walls of Preah Khan
jystewart: Won't go in there then
jystewart: Statuary of Preah Khan