jystewart: Successive doorways
jystewart: Unpassable rubble at Ta Som
jystewart: A tower at Ta Som
jystewart: Engravings at Ta Som
jystewart: Engravings at Ta Som
jystewart: Engravings at Ta Som
jystewart: Engravings at Ta Som
jystewart: Engravings at Ta Som
jystewart: Engravings at Ta Som
jystewart: Kari at Ta Som
jystewart: Crumbling walls at Ta Som
jystewart: IMG_3857.JPG
jystewart: Face in the tower at Ta Som
jystewart: Kari pursued by child bookseller
jystewart: Wood and stone merge at Ta Som
jystewart: Wood and stone
jystewart: Kari shows the size of the tree
jystewart: Roots and rock
jystewart: Wood embraces rock
jystewart: A peddlar lies in wait
jystewart: Ta Som's central tower
jystewart: On to the next temple