jystewart: Exactly what it says on the box
jystewart: A striking church
jystewart: The hotel around the corner
jystewart: A patio
jystewart: Simple details
jystewart: Clearly labelled
jystewart: Our home for the night
jystewart: Where the world meets, apparently
jystewart: For Kate (BoJo)
jystewart: Chamber of Commerce
jystewart: Doubtless lovely on a sunnier day
jystewart: Another colourful building
jystewart: Not so attractive as the facades
jystewart: Public Trust Office
jystewart: It's a shame the lower level storefronts don't live up to the original designs
jystewart: The bandstand
jystewart: Neon clock
jystewart: The decorated bollards
jystewart: The decorated bollards