jwright40: the bench undaunted
jwright40: cathy & al talk bidness
jwright40: sarah applies the brakes at 3rd
jwright40: ken on his way home
jwright40: coach considers his options
jwright40: mike skims over the dirt
jwright40: stefan rounds 3rd
jwright40: bizzer makes 2nd, loving it
jwright40: a big hit!
jwright40: blues accept the loss
jwright40: tessa & sarah towards home
jwright40: mandals
jwright40: game 5 batting practice
jwright40: the catcher
jwright40: kyle makes contact
jwright40: brian coasts to first
jwright40: release
jwright40: colleen takes first
jwright40: ...and spins toward 2nd
jwright40: ken must decide
jwright40: joe c slams a double
jwright40: jared runs out a dribbler
jwright40: eric confers with theo
jwright40: notice the duststorm
jwright40: theo leaps for the catch
jwright40: justine WILL make first!
jwright40: ...and did
jwright40: stefan judges
jwright40: dido waits for his
jwright40: ken ropes one fair