Jack W. Pearce:
Poland Municipal Forest -- Entrance
Jack W. Pearce:
Poland Municipal Forest
Jack W. Pearce:
Poland Municipal Forest
Jack W. Pearce:
Poland Municipal Forest
Jack W. Pearce:
Poland Municipal Forest -- Start of Bluebell Trail
Jack W. Pearce:
Poland Municipal Forest -- "A Roadside Puddle of Bluebells"
Jack W. Pearce:
Poland Municipal Forest -- Bluebells Everywhere
Jack W. Pearce:
Poland Municipal Forest -- Bluebell Carpet
Jack W. Pearce:
Poland Municipal Forest -- Bluebell Forest
Jack W. Pearce:
Poland Municipal Forest -- Amazing Bluebells
Jack W. Pearce:
Poland Municipal Forest. Bluebells. "Bending like Moses' sister over Moses, / Full of a secret that thou dar'st not tell!" -- George MacDonald, 'Wild Flowers'
Jack W. Pearce:
Poland Municipal Forest -- Bluebell Explosion
Jack W. Pearce:
Poland Municipal Forest -- Lets Get Closer
Jack W. Pearce:
Poland Municipal Forest -- Color It Blue
Jack W. Pearce:
Poland Municipal Forest -- Bluebells As Far As The Eye Can See
Jack W. Pearce:
Poland Municipal Forest -- Beautiful Bluebells
Jack W. Pearce:
Bluebells of Poland Woods. "A fine and subtle spirit dwells In every little flower...Anne Bronte"
Jack W. Pearce:
Bluebells of Poland Woods. "When bluebells seemed like fairy gifts A prize among the flowers... Anne Bronte."
Jack W. Pearce:
Bluebells of Poland Woods 3
Jack W. Pearce:
Bluebells of Poland Woods."There is a silent eloquence In every wild bluebell / That fills my softened heart with bliss / That words could never tell --Anne Bronte."
Jack W. Pearce:
Bluebells of Poland Woods 5
Jack W. Pearce:
Bluebells of Poland Woods 6
Jack W. Pearce:
Bluebells of Poland Woods 7
Jack W. Pearce:
Bluebells of Poland Woods 8
Jack W. Pearce:
Bluebells of Poland Woods 9
Jack W. Pearce:
Bluebells of Poland Woods 10
Jack W. Pearce:
Bluebells of Poland Woods 11
Jack W. Pearce:
Bluebells of Poland Woods 12
Jack W. Pearce:
Poland Municipal Forest -- Nature's Sculpture
Jack W. Pearce:
Poland Municipal Forest -- Trail