jacobwolman: TX Capitol
jacobwolman: The Capitol from across 11th St.
jacobwolman: confederate memorial
jacobwolman: 'state rights'
jacobwolman: their sacrifice was not in vain... it was worse than that
jacobwolman: Capitol from within the grounds
jacobwolman: NINJAS... ENTER THE DOME
jacobwolman: mmm... queso
jacobwolman: good lord we ate a lot
jacobwolman: watching basketball at Doc's
jacobwolman: Doc's again
jacobwolman: let's pretend that this is artistic
jacobwolman: Austin at night is nice
jacobwolman: paige and me
jacobwolman: me and paige
jacobwolman: fletch and schlomo
jacobwolman: paige has a lot of hair
jacobwolman: just so you don't think I only post flattering pics
jacobwolman: fletcher and schlomo are friends
jacobwolman: waiting to eat BBQ
jacobwolman: waiting to eat BBQ again
jacobwolman: the salt lick
jacobwolman: oh, we ate a lot of BBQ
jacobwolman: then catharine fell asleep
jacobwolman: the river at twilight
jacobwolman: the hills of east (or maybe west, north, or south) austin
jacobwolman: twilight was nice
jacobwolman: fletch and lauren
jacobwolman: austin sunset
jacobwolman: downtown from afar