Josh Jensen:
pigeons, keeping warm
Josh Jensen:
the wolves of wall street
Josh Jensen:
father and son and snowman
Josh Jensen:
Josh Jensen:
low winter sun
Josh Jensen:
king of the castle
Josh Jensen:
meanwhile, in Canada
Josh Jensen:
snow and ice on the beaches of prince edward county
Josh Jensen:
Josh Jensen:
puente de luz
Josh Jensen:
The Scene: An Exploration of Music in Toronto is now on iTunes!
Josh Jensen:
orange shovel, purple gloves
Josh Jensen:
Josh Jensen:
captain john's in the ice
Josh Jensen:
cracked ice
Josh Jensen:
ducks, and swans, and pigeons - oh my!
Josh Jensen:
final recital
Josh Jensen:
Empire State Building from the New York Public Library
Josh Jensen:
Josh Jensen:
Josh Jensen:
The Intrepid Sea, Air & Space Museum
Josh Jensen:
pickup game
Josh Jensen:
taking a load off in harlem
Josh Jensen:
Josh Jensen:
Josh Jensen:
new york city at night
Josh Jensen:
the spire
Josh Jensen:
horse shit
Josh Jensen:
birds of a feather...
Josh Jensen:
Batman discusses the nuances of vigilante justice with the Toronto Police