underwhelmer: Templar window
underwhelmer: Mood: Contemplative
underwhelmer: Llamaste
underwhelmer: For the discerning lady of wisdom
underwhelmer: Downtown Rockport
underwhelmer: Race you.
underwhelmer: A trick of the eye
underwhelmer: Jill in Jon's jacket
underwhelmer: Walking the streets of Rockport
underwhelmer: Brevity is the soul of deliciousness
underwhelmer: A sign I liked
underwhelmer: Flying B in the cave
underwhelmer: Inner sanctum
underwhelmer: When you drive a Bentley, you park anywhere you want
underwhelmer: First Class
underwhelmer: Pleats and tresses
underwhelmer: Art class
underwhelmer: Snail flood
underwhelmer: La Vista
underwhelmer: DIY Boat Launch, Or What Happens When You Screw With The White Balance Too Much
underwhelmer: UNO DOS TRES CATORCE
underwhelmer: Most of my photos of Jill are taken from the back.
underwhelmer: Grass river
underwhelmer: Interloper
underwhelmer: My anniversary present
underwhelmer: Powerwalking the shore
underwhelmer: Blue is the color of my dear love's kayak
underwhelmer: A Jill and some kayaks
underwhelmer: Forest hug