James Wheare: Arriving at the scene
James Wheare: The damage
James Wheare: Fun for all the family
James Wheare: Stranded
James Wheare: Mild shock
James Wheare: Baffled
James Wheare: Where are the pashminas?
James Wheare: Unimpressed
James Wheare: What flood?
James Wheare: Jetsam
James Wheare: Flotsam
James Wheare: Broken wall
James Wheare: Tall tales
James Wheare: Glance
James Wheare: For posterity
James Wheare: Finally got that water feature they always wanted
James Wheare: Saftety first
James Wheare: You've gotta be joking
James Wheare: Escape route
James Wheare: Wouldn't go down there if I were you
James Wheare: Examining the damage
James Wheare: Banks burst
James Wheare: Calling the relatives
James Wheare: Hoods up
James Wheare: Watching the flood
James Wheare: Tide mark
James Wheare: Legs at low tide
James Wheare: Cooperative