jwelcher: Babes Rehersal
jwelcher: Babes Rehersal
jwelcher: Babes Rehersal
jwelcher: Cast and Crew of Babes
jwelcher: Babes Cast and Crew
jwelcher: Warm March Day
jwelcher: Handstands
jwelcher: Cast and Crew Take a Break
jwelcher: Bowlby Biker
jwelcher: Huzzah!
jwelcher: Jim looking cool
jwelcher: Back on set
jwelcher: We open in HOW MANY DAYS?
jwelcher: Dan on deck
jwelcher: Rich in Prom Pants
jwelcher: Shane and Julia
jwelcher: Yvon and Shane
jwelcher: Dave
jwelcher: Lighting Monkey Will
jwelcher: Mary
jwelcher: No Comment
jwelcher: Chris and Dan
jwelcher: Whew, it's over!
jwelcher: Kelly, Rich, James
jwelcher: Closing Night
jwelcher: Mr. Miller and Adoring Fans
jwelcher: After Babes
jwelcher: Julia and Flower
jwelcher: James, Julia, Andy After
jwelcher: After Curtain