Happy.Phantom: Nose First
Happy.Phantom: Coming Closer For a Bite
Happy.Phantom: Itch My Nose Again Please
Happy.Phantom: "I've got me some horses to ride on..."
Happy.Phantom: Six Feet Away
Happy.Phantom: Offering of Grass.
Happy.Phantom: Pretty Boy
Happy.Phantom: Chow Time
Happy.Phantom: Check Out Those Teeth!
Happy.Phantom: Branded
Happy.Phantom: Devil Horns
Happy.Phantom: Hello Gorgeous!
Happy.Phantom: Branded Heart
Happy.Phantom: "...some horses to ride on..."
Happy.Phantom: fragile
Happy.Phantom: Half View
Happy.Phantom: The first to cross the yellow line...
Happy.Phantom: Racing Shadows
Happy.Phantom: Harness
Happy.Phantom: yesterday's horse
Happy.Phantom: White Snip
Happy.Phantom: Fenced In
Happy.Phantom: He's my favorite...
Happy.Phantom: To Your Left