jwandc3: 128. sidestep
jwandc3: 129. gang tackle
jwandc3: 151. thou shalt not pass
jwandc3: 152. tackle
jwandc3: 153. man can tackle
jwandc3: 154. too many cooks
jwandc3: 159 magpies and ferrets 2
jwandc3: 160.magpies and ferrets 3
jwandc3: 161.magpies and ferrets 4
jwandc3: 166. magpies and hawks
jwandc3: 171. magpies and hawks reprise
jwandc3: 174. victory
jwandc3: 342. struggle in the wet....
jwandc3: 343. eyes wide shut
jwandc3: 360. Magpies and Hawks 080511
jwandc3: 361. inertia
jwandc3: 364. the more it's wanted...
jwandc3: 365. Magpies and Eagles 210511
jwandc3: 366. Magpies and Eagles 210511
jwandc3: 367. Magpies and Eagles 210511
jwandc3: 368. Magpies and eagles 210511
jwandc3: 372. Magpies and Ferrets 290511
jwandc3: 391. Magpies defend against Sharks.
jwandc3: 392. in print...
jwandc3: 373. in print...
jwandc3: 401. hangin' out
jwandc3: 405. walking in the park
jwandc3: 406. into battle
jwandc3: 402. in print...
jwandc3: 404. in print...