JWA Commons:
Sarah Brody waiting to cross Rhine River
JWA Commons:
Sarah Brody- Washing clothes in France
JWA Commons:
Sarah Brody in Germany, 1945
JWA Commons:
Jane Field 1940's Pratt and Whitney Inspector 3rd from right
JWA Commons:
Sylvia Greenbaum Novarr, WWII
JWA Commons:
Sylvia Gordon, n.d.
JWA Commons:
Sarah Brody 1943
JWA Commons:
Rebecca Wolinsky
JWA Commons:
Rebecca Wolinsky 1943
JWA Commons:
Norma Bronstein 1945
JWA Commons:
Muriel in uniform
JWA Commons:
Lenore Gundersheimer 1945
JWA Commons:
Doing laundry in a helmet
JWA Commons:
Julie Novick Greene (middle) circa 1945
JWA Commons:
Ida Gitten Ginsburg, US Army Nurse, 1945
JWA Commons:
Ida Fieldman March 1945
JWA Commons:
Gladys Goldstein, n.d.
JWA Commons:
Marnie Plonsky filling canteen
JWA Commons:
Doris Marens Konover, 1946
JWA Commons:
Diane Cohen Basch, Red Cross Uniform, 1945
JWA Commons:
Chow time in Normandy Cow Pasture
JWA Commons:
Camp Devens Photos
JWA Commons:
Alice Milerkowsky 1944
JWA Commons:
16th General Hosp Nurses, Jan 1944
JWA Commons:
Anne Ruby (mother), Ann Hersh (cousin) (WAVE), Norma Ruby (sister)
JWA Commons:
Irma Ruby wearing WAVE hat and holding Navy Purse (10 years old)
JWA Commons:
1942 American Red Cross Canteen Corps
JWA Commons:
Civilian Air Patrol pin
JWA Commons:
Pvt. Thelma Klein, United States Marine Corps Women's Reserves
JWA Commons:
ID Tag round disc with two holes worn by Irma Ruby