jvumn: Preparing the corn
jvumn: Fresh white corn
jvumn: Symmetry
jvumn: Ribs!
jvumn: Peppers & Onions
jvumn: Food mound
jvumn: Food mound
jvumn: Smokin' rib
jvumn: The judges
jvumn: Awaiting the judges decision
jvumn: The winner is declared - dish #1
jvumn: The contestants
jvumn: Can't tell who won by this picture
jvumn: Handing over the Golden Ladle
jvumn: LD & DS
jvumn: Maggie
jvumn: LD & Maggie
jvumn: JS & CCY
jvumn: Candlelight drinking
jvumn: The Golden Ladle
jvumn: DS, LD & the Golden Ladle