jvumn: 11pm arrival - still light out
jvumn: d0354
jvumn: Denali from afar
jvumn: Denali from afar
jvumn: Amateurs
jvumn: A rare day where Denali was in full view
jvumn: Elk in river bend
jvumn: Close up of elk
jvumn: Wide open space
jvumn: Chef Vu
jvumn: Tom relaxing
jvumn: d0364
jvumn: d0365
jvumn: d0366
jvumn: Before setting out to our next destination
jvumn: Beautiful view of the Teklaneeka river
jvumn: Grizzly bears about 1/4 mile away
jvumn: Great view of bears
jvumn: Ken making his way to the top of the hill
jvumn: d0373
jvumn: Grizzly - 400 yards away
jvumn: Still hunting for food
jvumn: The sign says.....
jvumn: More bears
jvumn: d0380
jvumn: d0381
jvumn: d0382
jvumn: Golden eagle leaving nest
jvumn: d0386
jvumn: d0387