lennycarl08: Bald Eagle
lennycarl08: Waxing Gibbous
PMBrem: White-tailed eagle
spensered: Yellow crowned night heron chicks
Maxime Légaré-Vézina: Pic flamboyant - Northern flicker
Bernie Duhamel: Hummingbird and Bee
MedicineMan4040: Another angle on Scarlett
Kevin Povenz: Quick trip to the Ravines....
Rick Wilhoit: Northern Bobwhite
lennycarl08: The Steal
MedicineMan4040: Reflecting on the James
M@rsha!!: Princess waterfall
Bernie Duhamel: Melanistic Mutant Pheasant Rooster
MedicineMan4040: Cedar Waxwing Osceola
Bernie Duhamel: Osprey - Colorado
spensered: Portrait of a captive screech owl
lennycarl08: Taking the Plunge
MedicineMan4040: Sitting cool
mjspelman1: Bald Eagle (Haliaeetus leucocephalus) and Canada Goose (Branta canadensis)
rasche2011: Incoming bald eagle
spensered: Florida Scrub Jay
gabicuff pix: Eagle Pair on the lookout…
lennycarl08: Flying Down the Tracks
lennycarl08: Osprey Portrait
Rick Wilhoit: Bald Eagle
MedicineMan4040: Northern Cardinal male
Peter Camyre: Spring Training
David Marriott - Sydney: Trees under the Milky Way || Menindee Lakes {Explore 239, 2024/12/25 + Explore 217, 2023/12/17}
Gladys Klip: Buizerd / buzzard / buze
Norbert Lefevre: # Explore ... 6 ... # Pic épeiche " femelle " ( Dendrocopos major - Great Spotted Woodpecker )