Jvpi: A Group of Six Seebataillon Men and a Bandsman
Jvpi: III. Seebataillon Soldiers in Tsingtau
Jvpi: III. Seebataillon Soldiers in Tsingtau
Jvpi: III. Seebataillon Military Concert Held on the Peking City Wall
Jvpi: III. Seebataillon Military Concert Held on the Peking City Wall
Jvpi: Portrait of Leutnant Conrad Buttersack of the II. Seebataillon in Wilhelmshaven
Jvpi: Portrait of Leutnant Conrad Buttersack of the II. Seebataillon in Wilhelmshaven
Jvpi: Studio Portrait of Sergeant H. Hübner of the II. Seebataillon
Jvpi: One Year Volunteer in the Seebataillon
Jvpi: Brothers Hans and Bruno Hermann in the Kaiserliche Marine
Jvpi: Brothers Hans and Bruno Hermann in the Kaiserliche Marine
Jvpi: Postcard of Kaiser Wilhelm II in Exile
Jvpi: Feldwebelleutnant in the Seebataillon as well as a Boxer Rebellion Veteran
Jvpi: Prince of Fürstenberg Maximilian Egon II in Feldbluse
Jvpi: Decorated Leutnant in the Seebataillon
Jvpi: Decorated Leutnant in the Seebataillon
Jvpi: Oberstleutnant Julius Friedrich Wilhelm Hilmar von Bernuth, Commander of the Marine-Infanterie-Regiment Nr.3
Jvpi: Oberstleutnant Julius Friedrich Wilhelm Hilmar von Bernuth, Commander of the Marine-Infanterie-Regiment Nr.3