JvdMPhotoS: Mocca
JvdMPhotoS: Beamer, 22 weeks
JvdMPhotoS: Diesel
JvdMPhotoS: D5100 Bliks
JvdMPhotoS: Kiddo Kaylie
JvdMPhotoS: Poes up side down
JvdMPhotoS: Donder
JvdMPhotoS: BINDI Sweetheart!
JvdMPhotoS: Mocca
JvdMPhotoS: Donder
JvdMPhotoS: Ssenna
JvdMPhotoS: Donder
JvdMPhotoS: Sweet dog
JvdMPhotoS: Donder/Thunder 7.5 months
JvdMPhotoS: Doedeck
JvdMPhotoS: Mocca
JvdMPhotoS: Mocca from above.. Dec '08
JvdMPhotoS: Mocca
JvdMPhotoS: Doedeck the Husky
JvdMPhotoS: Donder Spijker & Rheza
JvdMPhotoS: Mocca
JvdMPhotoS: How proud!
JvdMPhotoS: Mocca Yawn
JvdMPhotoS: JvdMPhotoS
JvdMPhotoS: Faya the boxer
JvdMPhotoS: Beamer yawns...
JvdMPhotoS: His name is Spike!
JvdMPhotoS: Mocca