Linda Leow: Kimi with my Nano
Linda Leow: My messy desk *old flat*
Linda Leow: Keroro and Macbook Pro
Linda Leow: Ipod Kewpie
Linda Leow: Ipod Kewpie
Linda Leow: Ipod Kewpie
Linda Leow: DS Lite and Giroro
Linda Leow: Gasmask!!
Linda Leow: gasmask times two
Linda Leow: Robin's watch
Linda Leow: Wii+Leeke
Linda Leow: Size comparison
Linda Leow: We bought blue and yellow headphones
Linda Leow: My new toy
Linda Leow: This is for you Tony!
Linda Leow: Yashica
Linda Leow: Yashica
Linda Leow: Shiny objects on the table.
Linda Leow: I'm loosing my mind!
Linda Leow: shades of silver
Linda Leow: My notebooks
Linda Leow: tomoyo, domino & rainbow
Linda Leow: nikon party
Linda Leow: holga
Linda Leow: I did this