Just Spooky: Koulouri (克魯利)
Just Spooky: Iraklio Airport
Just Spooky: Street view @ Plaka
Just Spooky: Syntagma Square
Just Spooky: 街頭藝人@Ermou St.
Just Spooky: Toilets @ National Garden
Just Spooky: Zappeion (占皮歐)
Just Spooky: Corinthian (科林特式柱子)
Just Spooky: Ionic (愛奧尼亞式柱子)
Just Spooky: @Zappeion
Just Spooky: Temple of Olympian Zeus (宙斯神殿)
Just Spooky: Hadrian's Arch (哈德連之門)
Just Spooky: Lissikratous Street
Just Spooky: Adrianou Street
Just Spooky: Chicken Gyros
Just Spooky: Roman Agora (羅馬時代的亞哥拉)
Just Spooky: Tower of the Winds (風之塔)
Just Spooky: Acropolis (衛城入口前的小丘)
Just Spooky: Acropolis
Just Spooky: Hered Atticus Odeon (海羅迪. 阿提科斯音樂堂)
Just Spooky: Dionysus Theatre (迪翁尼索斯劇院)
Just Spooky: Parthenon (巴特農神殿)
Just Spooky: Belvedere (衛城上的瞭望台)
Just Spooky: Parthenon (巴特農神殿)
Just Spooky: Parthenon (巴特農神殿)
Just Spooky: 008_0110
Just Spooky: Caryatid Porch of Erechtheion (艾雷克提歐神殿的六女子之柱)
Just Spooky: Greek Salad
Just Spooky: Meat Balls (Κεψτεδεζ)
Just Spooky: Ατταλοζ Restaurant