ju_n_rick: J.D. says Hello & Merry Christmas!
ju_n_rick: Erin takes Gramma Taking Erins picture!
ju_n_rick: Erin takes another one of daddy!
ju_n_rick: Okay, it comes in a package ~ I could do it!
ju_n_rick: Chef J.D. at work!
ju_n_rick: Emma keeps Papa very busy!!!
ju_n_rick: Erin takes picture of the Blow-Fish Ham!!
ju_n_rick: One more of Emma from Erin!
ju_n_rick: Horsies from Auntie Karen!!!
ju_n_rick: J.D. trying to escape the madness!!???
ju_n_rick: Emma and her friend!
ju_n_rick: She does a good job!
ju_n_rick: Emmas turn with the camera!
ju_n_rick: Thank you Erin, you got ALL of Gramma's chins!!
ju_n_rick: Erin takes the kitchen/dinning room!
ju_n_rick: Emma..... by Erin!
ju_n_rick: Erin captures the other stockings!
ju_n_rick: Looks like Santa exploded!
ju_n_rick: Mommy Sharee' looks at Erin (bottom corner) as she takes her picture!
ju_n_rick: J.D. after a hard days cooking & cleaning!
ju_n_rick: Erin takes a picture of Emmas blanket, yarn & necklaces!
ju_n_rick: Eddie likes the little laptop!
ju_n_rick: Emmas yarn & Crochet hook from Gramma..
ju_n_rick: Karen winning at most Wii games makes her smile!!
ju_n_rick: Do 'Wii' need to say anything here??
ju_n_rick: J.D. talking with Sharee'.....
ju_n_rick: J.D. with the Wii Golf too........
ju_n_rick: Karen playing Wii Golf...
ju_n_rick: Another shot of Emma taken by Erin!
ju_n_rick: Do you girl remember having to do this???? Sharee'????