ju_n_rick: This is my place!
ju_n_rick: How Miss Kitt-e eats her food!!!
ju_n_rick: Cut that cake dad!!!!
ju_n_rick: The Christophers!
ju_n_rick: Did you get that shot????
ju_n_rick: Listening to his card!!!!
ju_n_rick: Dad's 80th birthday gift!
ju_n_rick: Helping T with her studies!
ju_n_rick: Setting up dad's system!
ju_n_rick: Such a sweetie!
ju_n_rick: Miss Kitt-E ....
ju_n_rick: It's a big bike!
ju_n_rick: Tim & Eddie checking the turkey!
ju_n_rick: Looking good!
ju_n_rick: How pretty!
ju_n_rick: Getter done!!!!!!!
ju_n_rick: One of the turkeys to be deep fried!
ju_n_rick: Are you ready for some FOOTBALL?
ju_n_rick: Britt, lighting the candles!
ju_n_rick: Karen, doing what she likes best!
ju_n_rick: Janets Thanksgiving table!
ju_n_rick: Mom's Christmas Catus.
ju_n_rick: She is glad I'm home ~ finally!
ju_n_rick: Moms Christmas Catus flower, beautiful!
ju_n_rick: Me on Terri's Spyder!