Just in Parr: frozen cracks in sidewalks.
Just in Parr: trees frozen
Just in Parr: sidewalks
Just in Parr: cracks
Just in Parr: lah neh
Just in Parr: sidewalk
Just in Parr: walking down the street.
Just in Parr: shadowy men on a shadowy planet
Just in Parr: more footbridge
Just in Parr: the footbridge.
Just in Parr: my footsteps became obvious around the neighborhood
Just in Parr: Darker version of night
Just in Parr: King William Street
Just in Parr: street corners
Just in Parr: car headlights
Just in Parr: convergence
Just in Parr: melting manhole
Just in Parr: my footsteps
Just in Parr: quiet city.
Just in Parr: South Alamo Street