Just in Parr:
Buttercup Live-Maximum RocknRoll / or Nirvana
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Buttercup Live-Coyote Ugly!
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Buttercup Live-coyote ugly!
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Buttercup Live-medium style
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Buttercup Live-joe rocks out from below
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Buttercup Live-Odie is opening his mouth really large and looking sweet (like, awesome)
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Buttercup Live-Joe Reyes is a rockstar / i need to carry a portable fog machine
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Buttercup Live-Drumming is awesome
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Buttercup Live-Jamie is intent
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Buttercup Live-Erik is pleading with the gods of rock n roll
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Buttercup Live-Jamie Roadman drumming like hes on a santana album cover
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Buttercup Live-Erik Fisheye
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Buttercup Live-Erik & Odie
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Buttercup Live- from behind the stage
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Buttercup Live - Joe Reyes in the Limelight!