Justin Liew: A little playmat monkey business
Justin Liew: Swinging in the sunshine
Justin Liew: Chatting with Auntie Sarah on the swings
Justin Liew: Ready for take off
Justin Liew: Auntie Sarah plays co-pilot
Justin Liew: Too cool for the sunshine
Justin Liew: Zayden proudly displays his tomato sauce facial, deep conditioning treatment and body scrub.
Justin Liew: Our little photographer
Justin Liew: Now fully mobile, Zayden is always up to no good.
Justin Liew: I love it under the coffee table. It's like a fort.
Justin Liew: Just like a beaver, Zayden loves to use his two teeth to gnaw on wood. Crib rails are his favourite.
Justin Liew: Hmm. What's in here?
Justin Liew: Uh-oh, daddy caught me playing with something that is "not a toy."
Justin Liew: Don't worry daddy. I wasn't really going to play with it. I was just using these shelves to pull up on. See?
Justin Liew: Cruising around the ottoman
Justin Liew: Our little puppy chews on his favourite bone.
Justin Liew: Those big brown eyes are still hard to resist.
Justin Liew: Blocks: a still life
Justin Liew: Having fun climbing at Gymboree.
Justin Liew: On the rocking horse at Gymboree
Justin Liew: The cutest little prisoner in Gymboree jail.
Justin Liew: Aiden crawls after his ball at Gymboree.
Justin Liew: Doing his best imitation of Elizabeth.
Justin Liew: Oh so cute.
Justin Liew: Modelling his new fall clothes
Justin Liew: Playing with his shovel
Justin Liew: It makes a great teething toy.
Justin Liew: Biting extra hard
Justin Liew: Z's awesome new hat
Justin Liew: Looking cute in his new dino clothes